Saturday, September 20, 2008

#1951      20080919

Lingering like an invisible
        Cylindrical cloud
The bracing odor
        left by the
Apparently homeless woman
Who I saw shuffling so slowly
Towards the store
In the parking lot
As I went in for coffee
Has now arrived
        in the coffee line
As I am ready to leave;
N.Y. bums lined-up on the sidewalk
Rancid urine, sweat and feces.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Memorium and another poem or two

#1915 20080526
      the heroes of war --
Those spirits past
      who knowingly wagered their lives
For the causes of freedom, justice,
      and independance --
Wondering if todays' heroes have
      been afforded this honor;
Memorializing todays' tragedy of trust.

(> 4,000 military deaths, and ~= 30,000 military casualties)

#1914 20080526
"Hmmm"-ing a first note
As they excitedly stop what they're doing
      (eating, chewing cud)
to start running over
      "Bah"-ing desperately;
Tuning the drone on their

#1916 20080526
The moist green
      tops of the grass
Out of the stem
While grazing;
Birds chirping.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

San Juan Poets

I just rediscovered this blog while trying to add myself to San Juan Poets. It's been forever since I've thought about this blog. Maybe I should pick it up again.